75th. Anniversary of Portuguese Studies
When and Where
The Department of Spanish & Portuguese is pleased to invite you to celebrate with us the
75th. Anniversary of Portuguese at the University of Toronto
Please join us for:
- Brief end-of-year presentations by students in Portuguese
- Presentation of the Pedro da Silva Award, generously sponsored by Caixa Geral de Depósitos
- Salute to Portuguese Studies
- Presentation by our special guest, Portuguese poet Alice Neto de Sousa
> About the Presenter
We are pleased to feature Alice Neto da Sousa, a Portuguese poet with roots in Angola, as our special guest for the occasion for a remote visit to the event. She became famous at the beginning of 2022, after the declamation of the her poem “Poeta” broadcast on the program “Bem-Vindos” on RTP Africa - appearance that conquered the social networks and traveled the world. She was also invited for the solemn opening of the official commemorations of the 50th anniversary of April 25, where she presented the poem "Março" written for the occasion.
Currently, in addition to being a regular presence in the program "Bem-Vindos" on RTP Africa, it is part of the group of poets and speakers of the cultural association "A Palavra", writes poems about daily life for the digital newspaper " Mensagem de Lisboa” and dedicates her time to spoken poetry, trying to “sharpen the language” in favor of emerging social issues. Restless by nature with words and styles, she enjoys the freedom of thinking and feeling.
Please note: Everyone is welcome! We appreciate your registration in advance at: https://75portuguese.eventbrite.ca
We are grateful to Caixa Geral de Depositos for their generous contribution towards the Pedro da Silva Award, and to the Camoes I.P. for their support in the organization of this event.