Summer Abroad Spain 2025 Info Session
When and Where
Join us ONLINE and learn more about the Spain (Santiago de Compostela) Summer Abroad Program! This session will focus on the courses, Summer Abroad application process and next steps.
This is the first year that the University of Toronto will be offering summer courses in Santiago de Compostela, Spain. This program provides a unique opportunity for students to further develop their language skills through language courses and an exciting experiential learning course on Spanish and Health Sciences. To be eligible to take any of these courses, students will have to have taken at least 1.0 credit in any of the programs (SPA, PRT, LAS) offered by the Department of Spanish & Portuguese.
In addition to the existing departmental programs to complete study abroad, the Department of Spanish and Portuguese will offer two new scholarships of $2000, to celebrate the endowment we have just received from the Club Hispano, which will be supporting the program for the upcoming years.
Summer Abroad staff and a former student participant will be there to answer any questions. You'll have an opportunity to ask detailed questions about the courses and program activities. We look forward to meeting you!